What is EQ?

And more importantly, how will it help your business?

Self Awareness

Being aware of the difference between your true feelings and actions and those that are driven by negative emotions such as fear, guilt or anxiety.

  • Emotional awareness. Your ability to recognize your own emotions and their effects.
  • Self-confidence. Sureness about your self-worth and capabilities.

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Self Management

When you have a high EQ then you are much equipped to deal with stressful and tough situations. And in business you are bound to face such situations that are out of your control, such as:

  • Dealing with difficult or unhappy clients and the ability to remain calm and positive at all times.
  • Handling the pressures that often arise when working in teams.
  • When you have to make tough decisions.
  • Having the tools and knowledge to process and resolve any negative emotions that are triggered, so they no longer have any hold over you.

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Having the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and to really recognise how they feel is one of the most powerful skills you can have if you work with people. Being empathetic means you are great at

  • Being service oriented and being skilled at recognising and meeting the client's needs.
  • Understanding other people and having good judgement of their true needs and wants.
  • Support for others and having a sense of what they need to move forward and boost their abilities.
  • Sensing how the other person feels
  • Great listening skills

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Social Skills

Having great social skills and the ability to build relationships is a huge competitive advantage in business. And when deployed across a company, great social skills make for a positive, smooth running and harmonious workforce.

  • Being service oriented and being skilled at recognising and meeting the client's needs.

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